Consumer Who? Consumer You!

Article by: Chrissy Garcia Photo by cottonbro from Pexels Consumer behavior can be defined through any action associated with the purchase, use and dConsumer behavior can be defined through any action associated with the purchase, use and disposal of goods and services. This includes the emotional, mental and subsequent behavior from consumers that precedes, determines or follows theContinue reading “Consumer Who? Consumer You!”

Marketing Perspective: The Role of Influencer Marketing

Article by: Chrissy Garcia Photo by Mateus Campos Felipe on Unsplash While influencer marketing is growing hotter each day, I am one of few who actively chooses to not follow an influencer. My main reason? I choose to discover them through the ‘Explore’ page of Instagram and Twitter. As a marketing professional, it is importantContinue reading “Marketing Perspective: The Role of Influencer Marketing”

Legal and Ethical Implications on Consumer Engagement: Facebook Case Study

Article by: Chrissy Garcia Photo by Carlos Muza on Unsplash In March 2018, the world of digital media was shook up due to exposes released by The Guardian and The New York Times. The story, how Facebook harvested personal data from 50 million accounts for Cambridge Analytica and the 2016 Trump Election Campaign. To thisContinue reading “Legal and Ethical Implications on Consumer Engagement: Facebook Case Study”

Effectively Impacting the Consumer Through Digital Media

Article by: Chrissy Garcia Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels In 2014, Whirlpool witnesses an 11% drop in market share over the previous 4 years (Digitas, 2020). Furthermore, the brand was in threat of losing more market share to feature-driven competitors and emerging brands. For a household name built across a series of generations, this was troublesome. HowContinue reading “Effectively Impacting the Consumer Through Digital Media”

The Importance of Brand Positioning

Article by: Chrissy Garcia Photo by Patrik Michalicka on Unsplash Every marketer aspires to build a brand synonymous with the company’s mission or product offerings – the next Apple, Uber or Band-aid. How do we create the next era of brands that consumers align themselves with in such an authentic way that simply participating with the brand becomesContinue reading “The Importance of Brand Positioning”

MKT 265 – Social Media & Marketing

Branding: A Day in the Life Article by: Chrissy Garcia Photo by Vlada Karpovich from Pexels The following Q&A reviews the role of digital marketing and social media in our every day lives. Upon answering the following questions, I attempted to be inquisitive in my day to day activities and analyze my actions to begin understanding the roleContinue reading “MKT 265 – Social Media & Marketing”


Understanding the landscape of the marketing industry is critical to your success. Outside of understanding marketing strategy, there’s another component that needs to be fully understood before diving into the exciting world of marketing – implementation. While this may seem like the easy part of the journal, its impact can, in some cases, be moreContinue reading “MKT 229: ADVICE FOR BEGINNERS”

MKT 229 Blog

Identifying SMART Goals and the importance of KPIs Article by: Christina Garcia Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash SMART goals are key to the success of any marketing campaign, but what are they? To understand this concept, it is important to first determine the difference between goals, strategies, and tactics. Goals are achievable marks that a business aspiresContinue reading “MKT 229 Blog”


Preliminary Findings & Limitations Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash Market Research Objectives Launching a new product can be a difficult process which needs to be supplemented with thorough market research. This marketing research can help determine key strategies including the product’s marketing mix, along with key product offerings such as packaging, size, variation of offers, and soContinue reading “MARKET RESEARCH – BLOG 2”

Market Research – Blog 1

Final Project Review & Product Proposal Photo by Hans Vivek on Unsplash The objectives of the Market Research MKT 337 course are…. Analyze secondary data for potential gaps requiring primary data collection for supporting the strategic decision of marketing research findings. Assess internal organizational and external environmental factors for their impact on organizational marketing strategy development. Examine theContinue reading “Market Research – Blog 1”

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